>>5332619You decide to whip out your silver tongue and give it a whirl.
After all, you’ve always been good at making friends and influencing people, how hard could it be?
When you reach an appropriate distance for conversation, you gently clear your throat and address the lone figure.
> “Hey, buddy. You happen to know a way out of this place? I hate to interrupt your studies, but I’ve got a lot of stuff to catch up on, and I’d rather get it done sooner than later. Y’know what I mean?”He just keeps flipping through the pages, totally giving you the cold shoulder.
Damn. It was worth a shot, but he doesn’t seem to be one for small talk.
Maybe if you try tailoring the conversation to something that interests him, you’ll be able to garner more than polite disinterest.
Wait a second, is he reading…?
A burst of inspiration hits you, and you know exactly how to grab his attention.
> “That a good book? I only ask because I’ve been helping write it; bit of a side project of mine, but it’s been pretty interesting so far.” That perks him up immediately, and he studies you with an unfeeling gaze.
Judging from the minute stiffening of his body language, he evidently doesn’t like what he sees.
“It is…of passable quality so far. Especially considering that it’s supposedly the work of one of Set’s pawns.”
Given the way he practically spits the last part of the sentence, something tells you that he’s not exactly the biggest fan of the aforementioned deity.
In response, you quickly decide to…
> Make up some kind of lie and see if you can make it stick. It’ll be hard, but you’ll make it work somehow.> Offer up a rationalization of your actions. You’ll make no apologies for ensuring your own survival.> Counter with an insult of your own. If he feels like damning you with faint praise, then you’re more than happy to dish it right back. (Feel free to include a general subject / insult) > Boldly proclaim your independence and that you’re nobody’s pawn. Who’s this guy to think that he can talk down to you, anyhow?> Other?