>>5451330Before that occurrence you had considered browsing through the bookshelves to see if there was anything particularly interesting, but for the time being you decide it best to leave the room undisturbed. Perhaps that was just a manifestation of your fears back there, your imagination conjuring the silence into your worst hopes but... well, you will not disturb the room's rest any further for the time being.
Eager to take your mind off of what just occurred, you return to unpacking your things with a great zeal. You move them in a room which is very similar to your late uncle's bedroom in layout, simply minus the personality- the TV, books, VHSes, and so on. You suppose it was a guest bedroom up until now. Like the other bedroom is also connects to the bathroom, sharing it. There's nothing wrong with this, but after a moment of consideration you decide to lock the door leading into the other bedroom from the bathroom side. Not for any actual reason just... because you want to. You can lock your doors however you like.
Eventually you're done with your task, and your bedroom is, finally, feeling a bit like home. Instead of a bland, sterile room you now have a bland, sterile room with your computer on a desk and an Austin Powers poster hanging on the closet door. A task well done.
>And with that, a day well concluded. It's still pretty early, but you guess you'll head to sleep and wake up when you wake up, presumably with some time in the morning to spare.>But it's still pretty early- oh so early to go to bed. Now that your laptop is hooked up and you know the internet is actually working, you can relax a little bit.>But there's unfortunately still a task left to do. While you've settled in, there's still a large amount of house you've left unexplored. Maybe you should give it all a once over... just in case.>Write-inRough diagram of the 2nd floor included below. Doors in brown, windows in blue.