>>5748687You turn the topic from this matter to the Reptilian Race and True Faith more broadly, and to the future.
“The New Age of Darkness—an Age of Scales, also—is almost upon us,” you announce, to pleased rumbling and rattling. “But what does that LOOK like, to you, when you picture it?”
The Great One’s vision at first recalls your biological fathers, you note.
“Fi-yuuuhr,” he sighs happily, some smoke escaping from betwixt his lips. “So much fi-yuhr, burning away all the little pests. Swallow whole herds of an-ee-muhls.”
“Surely you dream of more than that, Brother?” you ask him gently.
He thinks on this for a moment, and then nods, and more quietly adds: “Trah-vuhl. Travel. Go places. See wuh-ruhld. World. Rule wherever I am, take what I want—be KING. Be… Free.”
Of course—so long in captivity, first in one horrid dungeon and then in a slightly nicer one and with his female companions… Well, what could he desire more than freedom, even from (as Ekaterine would call it) a ‘gilded cage’ like the one he spent the last twenty years in? To live like that, to be subordinate to others… It must rankle a demigod like he, forged from the heartblood of a True Dragon.
“And what of you?” you ask Olu the Archer.
Your half-human companion looks embarrassed, at first, but with some prodding he speaks up.
“I am not sure I see my future and that of the Master Race as the same,” he admits.
You are quick to assure him that he IS of the Master Race—that he belongs to it as much as you, or anyone else, but he shakes his head.
“You know that is not wholly true, Superior One,” he says.
He uses the honorific with respect but also with ironic purpose—to point out the gulf between you and he, despite your own Degenerate ancestry. He is visibly quite human, and this diluted blood is known to all. He has been sterilized for the crime of his birth, and his kind—like yours—is regarded as a weapon… But a shameful weapon-of-necessity, not a symbol of military achievement and might, like a Dragonborn. IT is something you have always understood, and gradually understood to be WRONG in some way, but again it was Ekaterine who gave you the tools and theory to fully grapple with what he is describing.