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More than that, you wanted a reason to be in the public house, and a room to stash the cart in, and you got both of those now. So long as you are able to finish your business here before this Bertram gets back, everything should be fine ... though no matter what, you have absolutely no intention of 'making it' with anyone here, least of all him. Unfortunately, this does mean that you are not going to be able to store your cart here while you head to the Liveries, but it is probably for the best to find another public house for that – one that doesn’t have Strange footprints leading straight to its front door. Still ... it equally galling and inexplicable as to why this louse-laden cad thought that you were ... that sort of woman. Maybe you should stick with your original plan, after all?
No, no you can’t. As scandalizing as the assumptions of this long-in-the-tooth trencherman might be, you cannot afford to look a gift horse in the mouth. And more than anything, you need to get out of this common room. Trying to keep your composure, you snag the key off of the counter, and start to turn away without another word ... until you think better of it and decide to ask when this Bertram is going to be back - obviously, so you can conclude your business in this house and have quit the place before that time.
"I-if I may, when is this, this Bertram g-"
"Haven't the foggiest."
Of course he doesn't. It takes a great deal of willpower to not let your brow furrow and your shoulders slump in defeat at that, but you try ... as you figure that if you were to make it obvious that you really wanted to know, this gutter-gate gargoyle might just puzzle out that you do not intend to keep your end of this disgusting "bargain". Your business with him concluded for now - and hopefully forever - you gather up your push-cart, and make your way towards the section of the house where the lodging is located. Almost immediately, Strange Staining picks up the footprints. In fact, for all you know, you were standing right on top of them at the counter ... a disconcerting thought, even though they clearly are not communicable.
However, as you approach the hallway where your room is, the two sets of footprints turn away and head up a set of stairs. It is only when you get to your room does it occur to you that there was no third and fourth set of footprints heading down the stairs. Pattern's Perdition - if the men responsible for those prints are still in their damn rooms, how in the Heights of Hell are you going to be able to do this? But before you can go and disenhearten yourself, you manage to get a grip on yourself. First, find the fraying room. Then figure out how you are going to get inside. And then, and only then, worry about who – or what – is actually in the room. Don't let yourself get mired and bogged. You must move quickly and decisively here, lest the men with the Strange boots, or – Firmament Forbid – the proprietor get the better of you here.