>>6000194>>6000165>>6000060>>5999950You push yourself deeper into the vision, closing your eyes and clearing your mind.
You see thin, wispy figures, similar to fog spirits but much more emaciated. They run past you in huge crowds, pushing eachother.
You also see your car, absorbing smoke from the atmosphere, pulling it into itself. Then it explodes. The pieces begin to crawl back together and reassemble, before the process repeats again.
You find yourself coming back to reality. You're slumped against the wall of a building on the opposite side of the street from the gas station. Shakily, you get back up. It looks a bit darker, you must have been laying there for some time. Did nobody see you?
The mist also seems thicker once again. You can see a fair distance in front of you, but distant buildings are completely shrouded.
>Go into the mechanic's shop>Check your car hasn't exploded>Write InYou have:
||Car Keys
||Pen With Black Ink
||Comedy Flashlight
||Pack of Batteries
||Frog Magnet
You are:
||Organized, +1 to Search rolls
||Young, +1 to Agility rolls