>>6082971Application for Janitorial duties DENIED. Your baseline existence considers bleach ANATHEMA.
Please re-apply if you are willing to work under new supervised guidelines and are sure this is the correct work environment for you.
>>6083051Application for Creative Thinking Exercises DENIED as Subject displays critical levels of acute brain-rot. Please re-apply in 0.00005 nanoseconds if you are willing to work with re-phrased guidelines.
The fanum tags, skibidi, mark them for specific considerations afore the blackpill ghoulgang deports them to Ohio. If you have CHEMs your stenchmaxing and the Ripthings know you are like them fr fr fr fr. Petra, on the other hand, is simply the name of a trooper. She smiles shyly in your general direction and lets you know her niece totally digs your whole vibe.
( You do not know how Petra knows what her niece likes )
>>6083052Application for Creative Thinking Exercises denied, Subject has the artistic talent of drying moss on a tree. Please re-apply in 0.000000 nanoseconds if Subject is willing to work under re-structured guidelines.
>>6083069Application for Creative Exercise Testing denied. Your genetic sequence is partial map to spider and arachnid data-bases, and such crawling creepies have no mental faculties to express ideas. Please re-apply for protocol in 0.00005 Nano-seconds and submit one (1) art-work for inspection.
>>6083077Denied. Subject communicates in single-vowel grunts.
Denied. Subject manages a roaming gang of flesh-creatures that shed hair follicles, skin and blood from prey everywhere. They are Janitorial Antagonists Number One.
Please re-apply if interested in the work regardless.
>>6083204Please see updated data-packages and 3000000000000000 pages of attached legalese for details.
Secondary query, Subject, a tool you make is not a mass produced industrial object and also you are NOT A HUMAN[1]
[1]according to multiple acceptable parameters. Philosophical arguments can be made otherwise.
>>6083287Application denied. Mountains are too big to be creative. If you wish to apply again, please read through the following eight thousand page waiver.
Subject may still apply for other protocols. LIFETIME BAN may be lifted in face of reasonable evidence that Subject will stop trying to avoid the data-gathering phase of the protocol the Subject willingly engages with.
>>6083415Application denied.
Subject lacks neccessary processing power to express creative thoughts, being strictly inferior meat-ware processing compared to pristine info-crystal lattice.
Please re-apply in 0.02 nanoseconds, slow-poke, and attach a solution factor for factorising eight-step prime numbers.
>>6083418Application denied. Mandatory shower-time citing soot layers caked into dermis cited.