>>5145802"Who's the one responsible for Merlina's death, then? What will happen to her soul?" You ask the knight, hoping to hear about a way to fight the ancient enemies of mankind.
"...The Silver Eyed's soul has been sent into the pyre. Forever lost into the pile of sacrificed, glued into an abyssal chain and devoid of her individuality. Provided you did find her again, her dissolved state would only wander infinitely in the swirl, instead of remembering you. The magician you knew of is no more. Likely already being changed into something else."
'Life does not end, nor does it begin, it merely mutates into different shapes and sizes.' But while all her comrades have been forgiven of their sins, Merlina was the one between thousands of life forces that could not be recycled into other life forms, you will never get over that! Why her?
"There has to be a way to get her soul back from the Abyss. I didn't do all of that to leave the most important person stuck in there!"
"Tell me, Halfing. Have you not raised an eyebrow to the fact that The Silver Eyed never took her life when using your powers? If she was so eager to be released, why did she resist for so long?"
"Because she would never fall back on her word! She cherished her people more than anyone else, and wanted to be sure I would follow in her ways!" You reject Skull Knight's notion that fate was in control of her every action.
"It could also be due to them wanting her to act that way. If there was a way to forgive the innocents taken by the apostle kings, I would not be struggling to find a way to combat them for all these centuries..." Skull Knight laments that there is not an easy way to revert the sacrifices, most likely having lost someone to the pit himself.
"Although your purifying of souls could be a wildcard I was not expecting, you should not blame yourself for what was always set in stone. Regardless, offering aid is the least I could do to a lost child of the astral, so far away from home. I am on my way to pump more fuel into my weapon, sealing the finite apostle tears I find in my way. If there is a place you wish to visit, I could be your guide."
Skull Knight offers to give you a ride. His horse appears to be very stable, and if he is a guardian against the God Hand, you can appreciate that he considers you an ally in his fight.
But where to is the question you ponder as you hold Merlina's cloak in your hand, refusing to let go of her already burning memory.
>Barnham's Coliseum.>The Santana Estate.>As close to the sea as you can get.>Lead me to a powerful weaponsmith.>To wherever Guts is near.>No thanks, I can walk on my own.