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What? Musseal just opened one eye a crack to look at you? You're pretty sure Musseal is only pretending to be asleep!
Musseal's <span class="mu-r">human trainer</span> is still snoring loudly!
You might be able to get the <span class="mu-r">spare key</span> out of the drawer if you get Musseal out of the office first! It should be easy since Musseal already knows you're here!
Maybe you can lure Musseal into a room and close the door on him! You tip-toe for a little while and then make sure Musseal can hear your footsteps!
You think you hear something!
You peek around the corner and see Musseal flop through the office doorway into the hall! He looks the other direction, then turns his head toward you!
Maybe you should have gone a little further before you started making noise!
You run down the hallway as fast as you can!
Musseal is flopping behind you!
Musseal is getting closer! You had better find someplace to trap him! You keep running through the building and suddenly realize you don't know where you are! You've never been in this part of the building before!
You keep running and see a doorway further up the hallway!
Musseal is just around the corner!
You run through the doorway!
What? It's the arena floor, where mons used to fight? It looks like Carlos and his gang have been using it as a garage for their <span class="mu-r">car</span>!
You don't know anything about <span class="mu-r">cars</span>!
Musseal sees you! He flops across the arena floor toward you!
<span class="mu-s">
>Try to outrun Musseal on the way back to the office (roll 1d100)
>Challenge Musseal with Joe's jacket on your head (roll 1d100)
>Take Joe's jacket off of your head and challenge Musseal (roll 2d100)