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Agents! DON'T CROSS THE LOBBY, it's a KILLZONE! Suppress that overwatch first or you're deadmea--
Yes! Just like that Agent Fold! They can't line up proper shots while they're ducking!
Good work, Agent Graphite!
Mind those shots! Bullets have the right of way! I'm registering impacts-- everyone good? Everyone good?
>Agent Fold takes some shock
>Agent Butterfly takes some shock
>Deal with it the usual way; armor applies to each instance obviously
Agent Vennsfield, those grenades cleared the hallway, move - time it! I'll get the remaining drones to provide cover for you, so on three? One - two-- YOU STARTED EARLY!! AGENT!!
( Red Crane B Lead gets to experience something new tonight: one of his troops being shoulder-and-knee-slammed into a wall by a man in a suit )
>Reaction Phase [1/xx/Slow]
>Agents that haven't acted PLEASE DO SO, I'm taking this one a little slow. So it's more of a part way update?
>For... reasons...
Agent Fold - Agent Fold! That... Subject is looking at you. It's not worried about the bullets. I don't think it fears those very much. It's -- is it sniffing? Agent Fold, it's sniffing! It's got some kind of scent trail! Agent Fold, what's in your pockets?!