>>5495240“That’s entirely on you, but I believe so. Just like how I have faith in your ability to perhaps reach the pinnacle of martial arts. Overcoming the steep learning curve and obtaining the grandest culmination art of the martial world known as Ultra Instinct. Although there’s more than one path to reaching the definitive state and by extension the realm of the gods. And truthfully, I much prefer you first to finetune your sense of self to reach the Ātman or true self. Before beginning earnestly to conquer yourself to achieve your absolute self and ultimately reach the Anattā or non-self. “Whis smile.
“I’ll promise you; I will do it. I will achieve that state through whatever means necessary. "You say, slowly coming around to this prospect and believing it to be the right course of action.
“Even if that means having to take in the aspect of yourself that you currently despise?” Whis ask, choosing to be blunt by diving directly at the pink elephant in the room. He would let you put the pieces together by subtly pointing at the Saiyan essence and the elements currently residing within you.
“Rejection of the self and the development of the self huh...” You pause, allowing yourself to read between the lines and understand precisely what Whis was getting at. “Yes, I will accept my Saiyan essence as a part of myself. Although it will take me time to truly purge myself of my abhorrence towards the Saiyans, I believe I can learn to accept all facets of myself. Including the parts that I wish not to acknowledge. “
“Thus, I will reforge this power to better suit my growing sense of self, and truly make it my own. It might be spitting in the face of my creators, and it may not be ideal for the ultimate lifeform. But this the path that I, Konzen Douji have chosen, and will see it through to the very end.” You declare with unwavering resolve.
“That’s a wonderful answer. I have no doubts that you will use this as a learning experience to fuel greater venues for knowledge and self-improvement as well as self-actualization. Continue down this path and I’m sure you will find your true place in the universe.” Whis nods.
“It sounds like that our esteemed resident has finally come around and is starting to see the big picture. It would be troublesome if, after all this time, the idol of my dreams was to be a problematic individual. The last thing I need is another Elder Kai to spoil my fun and obstruct my desires.” Coming from the other side of the Giant Tree was none other than the Egyptian purple cat Lord Beerus. Right beside him was a blue alien fish currently residing in a cozy fishbowl attached to a long staff.
“Ah, Lord Beerus. I take it that you finished speaking with the Oracle Fish.” Whis remarks, saying his respects to the God of Destruction. Before giving an equally warm welcome to the Oracle Fish who bows in response.