Quoted By:
Rolled 3, 8, 3, 1 = 15 (4d8)
YOU're going up.
This is somehow <span class="mu-r"><span class="mu-s">Her</span></span> city; Moar Oww already hinted. The smell of Bugg n buggshitt is barely there; aged dead. You'd like to speedrun and sack the place, seeing most of the buildings are intact, but that would take at least two hands, and no telling what could come at you in this dark. Or how many.
If you're going to gamble, might as well bet big: you want a piece of whatever yeeted The Glowy through the bedrock over the Temple and BoomTFO'd everything and everyone in it. Something that caused so much property devaluation in one second just makes you giddy like Gibbsmas.
You look about, pick the nearest bunch of spired buildings built connected rooftops, or within rappel range, and get going.
If you crawled up the building exteriors you won't need to worm around inside and get lost or jumped; even if you have to backtrack the way is clear: you can see anything coming.
Your Dark-Peek is still good for the outdoors; indoors like in the Temple, you start to miss far corners, and anything being vewy vewy qwiet in them.
Hard Nope.
>QM rollan ropes and climbing kludge used