>>5927067>>5927193>>5927207>>5927211>>5927291>>5927310>>5927341>>5928177>>5928243>>5928444>>5928543>>5929354>>5929355>>5929398>>5929426>>5930799>>5930862>>5930921>>5930973>>5930989>>5931000>>5931754Day of reckoning!
The squad loaded for bear as you head for the village’s north-eastern gate, you particularly so, you think, as you double and triple check your explosive tags, kunai, water canister, and various survival supplies.
You stop by a newsstand as you ear your destination, making a point to check the weather. Sunny today, sunny tomorrow, 70% chance of rain the day after tomorrow. You contemplate how that wil influence your strategy, but you ultimately realize that meteorology isn’t accurate enough to predict the weather three weeks from now, and that’s the time you’re most likely to be attacked.
You were going to be on the road for awhile. There would have to be constructive things for you to do. You look to Hotaru and ask “I had some ideas in mind for contingencies we could practice with the caravan, like-”
“Absolutely not.” She says, cutting you off without even looking at you.
“Why? We should be as ready as possible in case something happens.”
“Otomo…” She says, trailing off as she gathers her thoughts. “People like this pay ninja to solve their problems, and for peace of mind. They’re not hiring us to be instructors, or leaders. They’re paying us to protect them if they get attacked, nothing else. They are not paying us to teach them anything, or tell them to do anything. You are serving their will. They will not serve yours.”
That’s a complicated topic. You begin searching for a rebuttal when Naoki offers one for you.
“Sensei, that’s-” He starts.
“Hotaru, our job will be easier if we exert our influence to make it easier. Practicing a drill for what we’ll do if something happens could literally save their lives. That means it’s part of our job.”
“No, it’s not. There are several reasons you do not make requests of your employers. I will illuminate several. First, you are a tool. The hammer does not instruct the smith. Second, you are a professional. Setting up conditions where your job is easier projects that your confidence in your abilities is also conditional. You will not display that sentiment in front of civilians. Third, you do not have the authority. Our relationship with the people of this land is contingent on the fact that we are servants to their will, and not the other way around. Presuming to ask anything of them is to presume that you have power over them. You do not. Fourth, in principle, a ninja is neither seen nor heard. Ideally they will never have to even think about the fact that you exist. You have accepted the job. It will be done. That’s it.”
“I can already see exceptions to everything you just said. We can’t be unseen or unheard if we’re walking alongside them for weeks straight.” Masami states, perking up at the sound of a debate.