>>5516752 >>5516772 >>5516788 >>5516815 >>5516887 >>5517169Danger is likely if this creature encounters the newcomer. You should prevent that. Once again, you begin transmitting thoughts. This time, not an emotion, but what can best be described as the readout of a mental compass.
<span class="mu-i"> 232 degrees, 24 minutes, 14 seconds. Newcomer. Flee. 228 degrees, 12 minutes, 10 seconds. Newcomer. Flee. </span>
The creature appears startled, glancing around with a confused look. But it does not flee. This is worrying. Perhaps it cannot see the newcomer. You alter your transmission. <span class="mu-i"> 220 degrees, 8 minutes, 54 seconds. Image of newcomer. Long distance. Flee immediately. </span>
The face seems to elicit a reaction. 「あのやつ。。。マジ?あ、みえる。やべえぇ!」 After an exclamation, the creature reacts. Not as you wished though. It places you down on the ground, in between the roots of a tree, before covering you up. Thoroughly. Your sensors can see nothing but dirt. This is highly concerning. If you had predicted such a reaction, you would have simply flooded their mind with fear, making them run.
After being covered up, all you have to go off of is sound. The sound of metal hitting wood. The sound of the newcomer arriving. The sound of acoustic waves being exchanged, and finally, the sound of flesh hitting flesh. After some time, there are no more sounds than that of nature.
You are alone again. Many, many units pass. Relative to this planet, it should be nearly a day cycle. Your systems request that you return to sleep mode. You refuse, temporarily. Outside of space, radiation is mild. A few orbital periods will do little harm to your soul.
The earth shifts. A hand grabs you. You recognize the mental sensation - it is that of the creature who first picked up your shell. You were not abandoned, and you will not have to return to sleep.
Dirt is removed from your sensors. You engage night vision. You are still in a forest. No other intelligent life is present.
>Prior communication succeeded. You should introduce yourself and your mission.>Prior communication succeeded, but introduction of oneself as extraterrestrial may harm the mission. You will introduce yourself as a mighty historical cultivator in order to arouse feelings of awe and respect. [Select a name and title to go by]>Observe. A few cycles watching may avoid much trouble.>Write-in