Who do you take?
>Emilia>Rakta>Frankie>Potato>20 Chimera soldiers>Hildra if she's downThe departure from the capital and the journey through the wasteland was monotonous.
Except for some of the mushrooms you released, the ash dunes were empty.
No resistance or obstacles in sight for miles.
The only incident occurred when Hildra, bored out of her mind, challenged Frankie to a wrestling match.
She had challenged her when you were asleep, so you wouldn't stop her.
The outcome of the fight was obvious from the start.
Frankie was two heads taller than the dwarf and who knew how many pounds more.
From what you heard, Hildra put out the best possible fight but once she was lifted over the chimeras head, everyone knew it was over.
Still, Hildra was quite happy despite the bruises and Frankie became interested in "Martial Arts".
Its not that she needed them, but she liked the flashiness of it all.
When the edge of the wasteland came near you realized that getting lost would be almost impossible.
The dark unchanging sky had concentrated, a mark on the sky blasting from a single point.
An arrow pointing to your destination.
>>5725389>In that case, it would be good if we put an illusion on everyone to make us look like TyrYou had taken quite a bit of muscle, but you were still few.
From afar and under the cover of illusions you would be mistaken for a small merchant caravan.
Which was your main way of avoiding suspicion during the entry into the Empire.
never stopping in the villages and greeting other travelers in the distance.
Potato was in charge of maintaining these spells on a semi-permanent basis.
But you quickly ran into a logistical problem.
You could reach the city at this rate using illusions, but it would deplete whatever aberrance reserves you had.
So you needed an alternate way to cross civilized lands undetected or find a source of aberrance to use.
There weren't many options to find aberration without civilians seeing you.
Kill big patches of the forest for harvest or sneak into some town and kill their cattle.
Both would attract attention.
The other options were to slow down to better avoid other travelers or step on the gas and get there before word of you reaches the city.
Conventional costumes were also a possible plan, according to Emilia at least.
I'm trying to convince you to dress up all of you, vehicles included, in a funeral procession.
The success of this would be based on your ability to bullshit your way out of questioning.
How will you cross civilized lands?
>Using illusions, spend all the reserve Aberrance>Using illusions, Kill large amounts of the forest.>Using illusions, kill cattle of some towns>Go very slowly, it will take longer but they won't see you.>Go running to get there before the alarm goes off.>Conventional costume, any ideas (what you dress up as)>Write in