That, they say, is all, folks... it was nowhere near as long as Bones Quest was, but I had a grand time running this one with you all! Whether you're a lurker, a player, or a longtime <span class="mu-s">BONEHEAD</span> or <span class="mu-s">BONER</span> as I like to call them, I really, truly appreciate you taking the time out of your various lives, schedules, and obligations to help me spin some stupid yarn about a pizza guy. Quite frankly I feel like you're the ones doing <span class="mu-i">me</span> a favor when I write a quest. Couldn't have done it without you.
I know I sound like a broken record so I'll shut up, but this will probably be it from me for a while... definitely want to run in the future now that I see how simple it is to run another quest, but right now I'm gonna recoup and think a bit. As fun as it was, Slice was definitely rough at times and I'd like to learn from my mistakes.
In the meantime, here's a few links for ya:
> this thread's archive link--you can catch some of my other archived quests through the tags there.
> don't post much on Twitter, but if you ever wanna contact me directly you can do it there! Might be a good place for updates too!
>'s the inventory pastebin in case ya' want it.
> this is where <span class="mu-s">FANART</span> and <span class="mu-s">QUEST ART</span> goes! Go check it out--I added stupid commentary!
Anyways, I'll be around for as long as this thread stays up, so lemme know if you have any comments or questions... otherwise I'll seeya in the funny papers! You're the best!
I'll leave you with this funny little thing BANE of <span class="mu-s">HORSEQUEST</span> whipped up--do yourselves a favor and try a new quest today, okay? Spread the love!