>>5242568>>5241571>>5241383>>5240956>>5240871>>5240858>>5240828>>5240710>>5240661>>5240649>Follow the dark route. You’d like to ensure Millicent is okay and you need to take care of Morne.“We’ll follow the dark route again.” You settle, your voice firm. “We’ll all end up dead if we let Morne run about ahead of us and set any more traps. Now that our party’s whole, we may have a real chance to put him down for good. And I ought to check after Millicent. I left her behind after leading her there, after all.”
“We’re going to fight Morne? With Noelle in tow..?” Ava asks, unsuredly. She casts a glance back to the berserker and the doll atop her back. “..Fine. I can’t much argue for letting my brother go free after this, but I can hardly call our party ‘whole,’ either. But if you feel it’s best.. then let’s proceed.”
The dhampir leads the way, her head low as she steps into the dark. You briefly look back at the crossroads behind you before you plunge back into the breach again after her.