Quoted By:
<span class="mu-i">“That entry was made by my learned friend last Estrimun. He copied the design firsthand, not from another book."</span> The priest looks at you meaninfully. <span class="mu-i">"The knight who provided the shield bore those colours.”</span>
<span class="mu-i">“Impossible.”</span> You near slam the book shut in protest. <span class="mu-i">“House Ardenne was wiped out utterly in the Night of Three Sisters. Every man, woman and child of them, none survived. Everyone knows that.”</span>
<span class="mu-i">“Perhaps. Perhaps not.”</span> Father Towbray leans back in his seat. <span class="mu-i">“But what is clear is that a scion of House Ardenne, or someone claiming to be just that, was present in this very city but a year ago.”</span>
This cannot be an omen of anything good. The near escape of Agony in Northern Fallavon this year. The presence of what you strongly suspect to be another Son of Sin at the right hand of the future king. Something terrible and unchained loose in the world from its island prison. And now the return of the very same bloodline that doomed your people to hardship and terror. You cannot tell Father Towbray why and still keep your oath… but you have the worst sense of foreboding from this news.
>Be it through pride or folly, House Ardenne brought this ruin upon your people. At best they are the architects of their own destruction. At worst they are in league with this evil that plagues your land. Worst still, this revelation coincides with the movement of other great evil affronts to Heaven’s creation making moves abroad in the world. Your oath demands that you confront a villain, and you must do so if you encounter them, but they are not to be sought out or consorted with. [Divine]
> House Ardenne was once the banner that united your people, fallen as farm from its place of glory as could be possible. Even if such a man existed, they would be an unwelcome exile in their ancestral homeland. Nothing good can come of their involvement, save perhaps some insight as to what befell his line in the aftermath of that calamity. You will make efforts to seek this likely imposter out and either show him the error of his ways or, if it is as bad as your fear, end the villain where he stands. [Hearty]
> House Ardenne is dust. Three centuries would not pass without a surviving lineage making some attempt to press their claims on the remaining fiefs that make up Romaine. This is an imposter, or perhaps a deluded soul. You will waste no time on this, other than to report this folly to Sir Gilbern when the next opportunity arises. You should also consider a message directly to your immediate liege, the Duchess. They would not abide by this, certainly. [Idealist]