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You focus on what’s in front of you. You take your rifle and aim, blasting the control panel across the hangar. With perfect accuracy, the panel is blown. The pneumatic doors hissed open. A file of troopers rushed in with blasters drawn.
The Sith turned around to you. Her brows rose curiously.
“Kill her!” Commander Bocchi scoffed. “Kill Rosenberg!”
She began to pace about again with simmering intent. “Much as I would like to exterminate every Je’daii I can lay my hands on, killing her would serve us little. Sergeant, did you know that in olden times, captured knights fetched a king’s ransom?”
She checked your attention with a wave of her hand. The hangar was burning. A TIE-K fighter suddenly hovered into view before landing in the hangar. The noise from the overworked engines was deafening.
Presently you follow the Sith. The TIE-K folded its wings before a pilot shoved out the hatch. He quickly got down and approached the Sith commander, taking off his black helmet as he did so.
Sith Bocchi recognized the man. She smiled. “Jacksons, my dear. How are you?”
“Your Grace. We have Carder, Hellen’s cruiser, and their fighters beaten! They’re bled!”
“That makes three Jedis present and in command of this brigade, yes?”
“Yes, Grace. And General Rosenberg- ”
The Sith waved the ace off impatiently.
“I know.”
“Hellen’s going to drive her cruiser against the Servitude’s portside as well! We can’t fire missiles at either of them without risking deflection, and if they turn the missiles against our vessel- ”
The Sith glared. The lieutenant stopped, coughing.
“Your Grace, Captain Alekhine requests the infantry move. We can’t land to fight, with marines still emplaced abovedecks. Orders, Your Grace?”
“Wait until the light infantry moves over. The stormtroopers are already flushing this ship. Make sure to keep the remainder of their fighter wings away from the deadlock!”
Lieut. Jacksons nodded then trotted back to his fighter. The craft boomed out of the hangar.
You and the Sith head towards the locked corridor. Four engineers were trying to cut through with breaching lasers.
“I hate timidity. Accuse me of being reckless - timid, never!” Sith Bocchi walked alongside you. She said: “Let’s finish this.”
She strode up and with one kick battered the entrance in, sending two solid-metal halves flopping across the floor like paper. You follow behind wordlessly, keeping your guard up. You held your weapon at the ready. The Sith picked up one of the door-halves with a hand and upon reaching the end of the passage, forced her way through.
The next gallery was full of marines. They were all waiting. This was their final holding point. They had set up kinetic shields and a chokepoint, with an automatic cannon positioned in the centre. You can see it all. Intense daylight streamed in from the large windows on the left side of the gallery.