Rolled 2, 6, 3, 1, 4, 7, 7, 5, 9, 9, 6, 3, 4, 9, 6, 1, 8, 1, 10, 3, 2 = 106 (21d10)
Wester were, in all, happy to be rid of the Twaryi bomb. It's presence had made not only his veterans nervous, but he could feel the hair on his neck stand on edge as it rode behind his T/24 away from the crossroads. Though he loathed to leave it on the road as he did before they'd push in to the Railyard, it was necessary. It'd be too much a target and could've potentially annhiliate his whole platoon should it go off, if not more. It had to go.
As they were burning out the remaining few holdouts in the Northern Railyard, Rains fears were proven correct as a barrage of Twayri artillery overshot their positions and struck what could've only been the co-ordinates that the bat ears would expect the bomb to have been left behind in. He spared thought to how much destruction that bomb would've wrought on the town if it had been detonated there, before the rumble of Kannenpflanze's Heavy Tanks down the road made him pipe up at attention. There was still a battle to win here.
"Move out, we're punching through the Southern Railyard and joining up with the convoy heading south in to the forest. The other will have to clean up what we leave behind."
>>5584525>Attack Twaryian Fusiliers in FF28 with Assault Armament, Flamethrowers and T/24 Machineguns>Initiative, x8 AA, x4 Flamethrowers, x8 Machineguns>Mount and equip Chemical Protection if it's neccessary for my movement, otherwise don't>Move SW, SW, S, S to EE32BOT Lehrson D-7
>Move S, SE to FF27 to intercept the Fusilers if they should try to advance towards the bomb and the road>Dismount