>>5752566>>5752566>16The lifestyle of a Knight Ascendant is one of daily physical and mental exercise, by divine mandate, and you have never been one to shirk it. Even without the limit-defying divine assistance of your patron, you are a skilled athlete and acrobat, and more than a match for these stones now that you recognize which parts are wont to move in which ways, and at what speed and angel. You need not even dip into your own magical reserves any further to leap, dodge, dive, and barrel through the passage… Though it DOES leave you a little winded, and you are doubtful many of your allies could manage to replicate the feat.
You glance back at them once, and then carry on, alone.
Your khopesh is still at the ready when you enter the fateful chamber of the Fleshweavers’ Dragonborn Project—that which perfected the Great One’s body, birthed the Red Dragonborn and—albeit indirectly—led to your own creation as a sort of mundane imitation of those draconic demigods.
It is in shambles.
The place was once a ritual chamber of highest magic and alchemy, that much you can tell. It doesn’t look to have been touched by the rampaging escape of your brethren, either. Instead, the smashed apparatuses, spilled fluids, shattered pots and torn, burnt, and hastily scribbled over notes and symbols attest to a more purposeful destruction…
And there are the perpetrators.
Three Serpent Priests, cloaked in the red-trimmed and black-hooded robes of senior members of their order, stare bug-eyed in your direction. Two are in the process of collecting—for destruction, or to hide them away?—scroll-cases enough to fill their arms. The third is clutching something in his claws—a round ball of some sort, seemingly hewn from tone, with flattened sides bearing symbols. Between them is a massive statue, chipped and battered but unmistakably hewn in the familiar shape of one of the stout and bearded dwarf-folk… Which seems to be in the process of picking up a large, ornate canopic jar, with the unmistakable symbol of a three-chambered heart on the side.
The heart of the Great Green Dragon!
What will you do?
>Shout at them to stop their unholy activities, and demand to know what they think they’re doing [Intimidate]>Lay down your weapon and attempt to negotiate, assuring them that you’re all on the same side [Diplomacy]>Attack! These fools are destroying your race’s legacy, and your own destiny! You must stop them! [specify a method of attack, items or spells used, etc.]>Save the jar! You can take a hit or two—nothing you cannot have healed, you hope—if it means ensuring the safety of the jar [Specify a method if you have anything more complex than diving in and grabbing the canopic jar in mind]>Write-in