Trying to do something else beside fret, you move on to the horses for the stage's team. There are more than three dozen to choose from, though the yoke and harness for the stage will only accommodate six. As far as you can see, all of the animals look to be healthy and well cared for, but they are mongrels - or perhaps just breeds that you cannot recognize. Either way, you will have no indication to the abilities of any of - oh, hold on! Right in the back stall, there is a horse that bears all of the markings of a rather well-regarded breed. There is going to be no two ways about this - you are going to get that horse on your team. More than that, if you were ever in a situation where you had to leave the coach behind somewhere, and ride on ahead - this is the horse that you would take.
> Please choose ONE of the following: > You have your eyes on a Coeruleus Courser, of about thirteen hands. While you don't imagine that you will be stumbling into a desert any time soon, you are very keen on this stallion's agility and speed.> You have your eyes on a Tarraconense, of about fifteen hands. This mare might not be the tallest horse in the stable, but you could easily believe that she is the strongest! She must have incredible endurance and power.> You have your eyes on a Cimaroon Post Horse, of about thirteen hands. Beyond just the exceptional health and resilience to injury and disease these animals have, they also have an ambling gate, well suited to trail riding. >>5698209 Alright, that vote is now closed.