>>6052025>>6052042>>6052135>>6052166>>6052232>Regular ghost and Perfected BallblamburglerMichael and Johnny are playing through some books they've scavenged over the past month of knowing each other when a friendly face comes knocking at the door, the beloved Ice Thing! Babbling, he blasts down the door with a gust of frost before sitting on a couch in the living room. Johnny steadies the trigger of his Ballblamburgler at the Ice Thing while he stares at Michael with his wizard eyes, giggling manically. "I've lost my demonic wishing eye and penguins are invading the grasslands, byezies!" He flies through the ceiling, leaving a gaping hole as he goes back to his mountain. Oh, Ice Thing...
What do Johnny and Michael do?
>Head to the grasslands immediately, this could be another Age of Wah if the penguins are left alone too long.>Head to the mountains to get the assistance of Sweet Pea, the legendary hero.>Glob this noise, lets go explore a dungeon instead, someone else will deal with the penguins.