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"We're going to take the scenic route. Keep your eyes peeled for anything...interesting." You command, letting Val's capable hands take the wheel while you step up towards the head of the ship to peer out at the vast seas and open skies before you. Val works quickly to raise the ship up into the air, and a slight jolt forward has you sailing forth in no time at all once the wind catches the numerous sails on your sleek vessel. The gusts rushing past you soon prove to be quite invigorating, and it's hard not to feel excited yet calmed by it at the same time.
Several hours go by, your ship passing over countless completely sunken ruins. Schools of flying fish dart away from the ship whenever you sail too close, and countless floating islands drift idly through the sky, each of them holding a microcosm of life...and possibly mysteries, but you doubt anything that would be worth stopping at each and every island and rooting through thick jungle for hours at a time. Not without a prior hint to their existence there, at least.
At the point where Val's grown tired of steering, you take control, the core's golden light beginning to take on a familiar blue sheen in the corners as night creeps up. You probably only have about an hour or two of daylight left, you'd estimate.
"Captain! I've spotted a ship!" Gigas calls out, pointing off the starboard bow. Your eyes quickly dart in the gestured direction, immediately seeing what he speaks of.
Trapped by countless vines on a notably larger floating island, nearly concealed by the throng of trees, is a ship that you would imagine belongs - or belonged - to a noble. A yacht, clearly, with a broad hull and an unrecognizable figurehead that was surely trashed beyond salvaging on impact. The ship itself rests in a pool of water constantly being refilled by an unknown source via waterfalls, which seems to overflow from the island itself and drop a much larger waterfall down to the oceans below. You can't tell if anyone is aboard the damaged ship yet, so you begin to steer your ship closer, pulling the brakes when you're docked just next to the island. A quick release of the gangplank later connects you to the island, and Gigas is quick to hop off and pound an anchoring nail from the ship into the island just in case the island decides to try to float away.
"Interesting, isn't it? A ship this fancy, left abandoned and overgrown. I wonder why?" You ponder out loud, hand clasping your mageblade with caution behind the cover of your cape. Val seems to have a similar idea, resting a hand on his pistol as he walks beside you.