>>5290338So, you hiss, still wrestling with your skeleton’s wild theory, he <span class="mu-i">really</span> thinks Art might be a <span class="mu-r">TRAITOR,</span> huh?
“Ix-nay on da’ red ext-tay!” Ly growls as he gives you an exceptionally painful flick to the forehead! “I never said dat–but I’d be lyin’ if it didn’t cross my mind!”
Okay you maniac, you huff, lowering your voice to a more appropriate volume as your team stomps around above you, so what’s his motivation, huh? He’s already got Syb, that <span class="mu-b">SEXY MINX.</span> What else could he get from being on the other team?
“Dat’s where da’ trail goes cold…” Ly mutters, clearly not eager to point fingers either. “I mean, da’ guy was alone for a while, yea?”
Sure, you shrug, but not for <span class="mu-i">that</span> long–Gus picked him up after you watched him hop out the window, remember?
“Yea… an’ it ain’t like Gus ta’ lie like dat’...” Respond your bones as they contemplate the situation. “But assumin’ we were <span class="mu-i">both</span> right, imagine how sweet of a spot he’d be in right now!”
You take a moment to imagine it. I mean… aside from the bossiness, experiments at odd hours of the night and the possible autism, he hit the jackpot with Syb-
“Not dat’, Stan…” Ly groans, “I’m talkin’ about da’ position he’s in!”
You blink. You uh… you’d rather not think about Art in any positions, than-<span class="mu-s">OW!</span>
“We picked da’ guy up <span class="mu-i">right</span> after escapin’ da’ <span class="mu-g">FACTORY,</span> remember?” Ly growls after delivering another flick to your forehead! “Whether he’s been in cahoots wit’ <span class="mu-r">TIM</span> da’ whole time or a bit later, Art’s got a front row seat to everything we’ve done–everyone we’ve met!”
Even if he <span class="mu-i">was</span> right, you snap, what the hell does he expect you to do about it? Tie the guy up and question him under a swinging lamp or something?!
“I… I don’t know.” Ly sighs in a resigned tone. “I don’t want it ta’ be him, Stan. My gut tells me he ain’t–he <span class="mu-i">COULDN’T</span> be.” Taking a long gulp of air, your skeleton continues in a somber voice. “But if he <span class="mu-i">was</span> spyin’ on us… no matter how crazy it sounds…” He pauses one more time as his words sink in, “It’d be hard ta’ tell, wouldn’t it?”
You subconsciously bite your lip in response. It’s crazy. <span class="mu-i">LY’S</span> crazy. There’s no way Art could be plotting behind your back–not for <span class="mu-r">TIM,</span> at least!
“Exactly.” Ly says in a slightly more comfortable tone. “Look, just… just forget I said anything, yea? It’s a dumb idea an’ I don’t even wanna think about it anymore.” Clearing his throat uncomfortably, your skeleton’s disembodied voice instantly becomes chipper again!
“I think he’s da’ right guy for da’ job, Stan–hell, I know he is!”
Well then.