Quoted By:
>SELECTED: Bristling with excitement, you find the prospect of sleep impossible right now. You will head to bed in a few hours, certainly. But for now as the hall empties and candles are lit you pass your waking hours in the company of other knights similarly disinclined to an early bedtime, who speak more freely as the numbers present dwindle. [Sir Cedrics]
I will just call for rolls tonight rather than a full content update, I’ve got a big day tomorrow.
<span class="mu-s">Persuasion Roll: Winning over the Sir Cedrics</span>
> Amenable Targets / Equal Social Standing 60DC
> Sir Andrei: Military Tabard (Martial subject) +5DC, +1 Re-Roll
> Sir Cedrics: Military Tabard (Martial subject) -5, +1 Adverse Re-Roll
> Orator +20DC
> 80DC
Double Fail = Diehard Royalists. The Sir Cedrics are devoted to their King, as duty demands, and think his son and heir shows much promise. Disloyalty to either should be scorned, in their view.
0 = Insult to injury. Worse still, you managed to offer insult to one of the brothers which is as good as challenging both of them. Having a cartel issued against you by a Royal knight on your first night here was not what you imagined in the final chapter of your pilgrimage.
1 = Floundered conversation. Either you have very little in common with the two knights, or a series of awkward silences put paid to establishing any genuine connection over the course of a single evening. Eventually you make your excuses and go to bed.
2 = Good companionship. You are glad to have spent a little while longer exchanging stories with the twin knights. You get to know them a little better, and they you, and should meet again as friends if chance should will it.
3 = It is no small thing to ask one to put a promising career in the Royal Army on hold, even temporarily, but the Sir Cedrics assure you that should you ever find yourself in need and require their assistance they will be at the ready.
Double Pass = Royal Army contacts. They’re always looking to recruit promising knights of your pedigree. Vancewell bonus.
3 rolls of 1d100. You have ONE Re-Roll. There is ONE Adverse Re-Roll.