>>6192991“Not me, what are we gonna do. And I think it's time to take a little trip.” you say to them, your kids all looking up to you with wide eyes. “Let's go see what this planet, Earth, has to show us.”
“Wait, really? Maz asks, eyes wide. “We really get to go?”
“Of course.” you say, then looking up see Maza descending the ramp as well. “You're welcome to come to, of course. You and your siblings, too.”
“Going where?” he asks, and when Okira excitedly says Earth, his brow raises. “Alright, I'll see if Koruza wants to come along.”
He then takes off, flying towards the capitol city Vegeta. Which does cause you to raise a brow, what is your kid doing in the city he'd been attacked in? However, as you ponder this a moment, suddenly someone else appears. Two someones, Milha appearing with her girlfriend, the blonde woman Darkness.
“Hey Milha, will you be joining us today?” you ask, your half-demon daughter nodding.
“I'm curious what this planet has in store, after what Marron told us of her own world.”
“Well then, once your brothers show up, we'll head on over.” you reply to her, then reach out telepathically to Marron. “Hey kiddo, are you busy at the moment?”
“No, what's going on?” she asks, a hint of worry in her mind. “Is everything okay?”
“Yes, things are fine. Actually, going to be bringing the family over to take in the sights of the world, see what it has to offer.”
“Oh, that sounds nice. We're still getting everyone situated, but there's, well... A problem.” she replies. “With this world being controlled by the Red Ribbon army, a lot of my people don't quite trust them. We still remember the Androids, made by the Red Ribbon army who terrorized our world for seventeen long years. They're a bit... Hesitant, accepting the Red Ribbon army are in charge here. Things are a bit tense.”
“I'll be there in a minute, once everyone's gathered.” you reply. “Perhaps we'll be a ble to ease tensions?”
“I hope so. Let me know when you're headed over, so I can get a bit of space.” she replies, you watching as Maza, with Koruza following close behind fly back over, dropping to the ground and landing with you all. Gathering everyone together you tell Marron that you're ready, and raising your right hand to your forehead focus on her power. “Alright, I'm ready. Come on over.”
And with a thought you leave your world behind, leaving New Salda and going to the human world, Earth.