Quoted By:
>Go shopping: see what you can swap Stuff for
You got a bunch of Times before you need to get back to Va Arrener, and 1500 Stuffs to swap for uvva Stuffs.
But like hell you're going to haul piles of Stuffs out your Pouch in the open with the Prod-You-zers watching.
You mark out the interesting barterpiles you're going to rummage later, after you're done with Boog's foit.
For now, it's enough to sneak some small valuables out of the Pouch, snatch up a few choice purchases: a biggy span of Humie chainmail, already chopped, just right to slide between your plates and rigging; and a bandy Binny belt wiv six throwdagg sheathes, two daggs missing: just nice to swap out with the shivs on your Carrionpede Rope.
>24 Stuffs spent
>QKA +2 Dur now 16/16
>+1 +1 to weapons other than Daggy
>Output per HIT now 30dmg +6 Vorpal
In the middle of fixing up your Armor and Rope, you take out a lil sumn for a drink.
>Drink Boog's GenUwyin Helff™ Pott™
>Helff Pott (S) refunded
It's fuggen narsty, but what isn't that does you good? You down it and keep it down with your Droogz watching.
All the wounds on you dry up and close.
Then you vomit so hard it comes out your nose, sick as a bugg.
>Toady 2/22HP -> 16/16HP with 1 Regen per turn
>Call Seafood for hints Y
You ring up Seafood for hints.
"<span class="mu-g">SweetfuddsAnOldOrcyShammywotdidntknowmerattedme'annow I'zhaztafoitWotdoSweetfudds</span>"
"A bigger threat than you will take his eyes off you. Then take his staff, and cut his tongue."