Quoted By:
"So ya’ll want me to play tour guide? Oh me, oh my what a honor... Ah better bring my best vest then!~. Would Ah also get a commerative hat?~" You jokingly ask, bringing your hand to your brow and motioning as if fixing the brim of a cap.
>"Uh… I didn't plan-" Toru starts, sounding a little bit nervous.
>"Sure!" Momo chipperly interrupts.
“Not what Ah-now wait a minute, why wouldn’t it be you, sugah? Ah thought you had been there before, and ah happen to know you look just as cute in a hat! ‘Sides, isn’t this exactly what our English classes are for?” You turn to the President and crank your head sideways, propping your hands on your hips in feigned indignation.
In spite of your attempt to show you are just teasing her, Momo freezes up as much as Iida did earlier. You watch as she stops to think for a couple seconds, looking at you, the floor again, then at Toru's general direction before explaining as articulate as ever. It alarms you momentarily just how <span class="mu-i">slow</span> a response it was compared to Momo’s usual composed and attentive bearing.
>“Fashion aside… I admit you would be of more help than I. Despite my prior visits, my time at the island has been highly centralized, only attending dinners and other affairs within or near the Orthax event center. So preoccupied with the schedule there, I’m not even certain if there’s any beaches present.” She gives an unusual small laugh at the end that oddly reminds you of Denki.
>"No beaches?" Toru blurts out, her shirt's cuff floating towards where her face should be, making you think she might be pressing her cheek with her hand. "How will I work on my tan before camp then?"
>"You were planning on tanning at the beach?" Kyoka asks, surely about to bring up the same point that popped up in your head. "Before checking the beach was even real? …Maybe you really do need a guide for this."
You are about to point out the obvious, that you could just look it up on your phone before you notice the whole group looking at you, waiting.