>>5482353>>5482361>>5482544>>5482553>>5482575Divorces were horrible questions and you decided to let the church, in it's infinite wisdom, rule them. It was better to let the headache of dealing with this to father François. You explained.
-Questions of marriage and divorce concern the Church and not me, go see father François.
-But we know nothing about his rel...
-SILENCE, I have ruled, next case.
At least they had been ridiculed before the people, it was a sufficient punishment for these two. The next case was about the Guelphs and the short Scotsmen.
Oldfossil introduced the claimants.
-The dwarves of the dwarven community in the north, represented by Grudgi Grudgesson sue the elves Merlor and Sylvera for trespassing on their lands and for violences against children.
Violences against children ? What does this meant ? You ordered the short and bearded ones to speak first. This Grudgi fellow was bald blond haired and quite ugly to see and he smelt of beer but he had a powerful voice.
-Ah tell ye m' Laird ! they elves wur up tae boggin' ! Thay trespassed oan oor lands wur we graw oor heavy that yer lordship loues sae muckle. Twa o' oor bairns, Grogul 'n' Falga wur playing near th' fields near th' water whaur we graw oor crops fur th' heavy. Thay tellt thaim tae lea bit they pointy eared bastards decided tae beat thaim ! 'n'...
The Guelph woman, a beautiful blonde that you already saw somewhere, interrupted him.
-They threw rocks at us you barely sentient beard full of alcohol ! You...
You screamed and added.
-Let the Scotsman speak, I have already enough trouble understanding him with his accent. And speak when your husband and I will permit you to.
The Guelph lady grumbled and the bearded shortie continued.
-Thay foremaist tellt th' elves tae lea m' laird, bit whin thay didnae lea thay defended oor property by throwing rocks at thaim, aye.
You smiled, you were not the only one to throw rocks at guelphs then. And let the short lad continue.
-'n' sae we ask fur compensation, thay hae trespassed oan oor lands 'n' gubbed twa innocent bairns. We wid hae gubbed thaim ourselves 'n' whin we heard th' cries o' oor bairns we cam wi' axes tae avenge th' offense bit thae cowardly elves fled oan thair lang legs ! We ask ye justice m' laird ! 'n' sae we ask fur compensation, thay hae trespassed oan oor lands 'n' gubbed twa innocent bairns. We wid hae gubbed thaim ourselves 'n' whin we heard th' cries o' oor bairns we cam wi' axes tae avenge th' offense bit thae cowardly elves fled oan thair lang legs ! We ask ye justice m' laird !