>>6034785Did someone get polyjuiced Hermione-style? Afraid not, Little Elliot: you’re really fighting a buff-as-fuck catman! Well, maybe ‘fighting’ is the wrong word… though there ARE knives involved! But then again, maybe someone from the ‘Wizarding World’ might put up a pretty good fight, since we’re stepping out of the summer season to celebrate the harvest with…
<span class="mu-i">EVENT NINETEEN: PUMPKIN CARVING</span>
Who can make the better jack-o-lantern before the clock runs out:
>"Tom" (Ruby Quest)or
>Elliot Hallaster (Disappearing Hogwarts)Remember: no wands, ONLY knives!
Our second match of Round Seventeen is a personally painful one for yours truly. When will the reptoid-on-reptoid violence end?! And I’m sorry to say that this time, I DO mean violence! Albeit the sort of violence which Richard’s ‘secret admirer’ much enjoy, because hot on the heals of musical exercise, he and a certain spacefaring X-in-training are going to be rumbling in a very special ring. It’s
>Kiro Skyeskal (Voidship Bridge Simulator)against
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)In…
Maybe the slipperiest squamate win!
>>6034799>>6034801I meant 'dextrous', but the man DOES have a lot of kids... Missus Ramster must be a very happy rodent