Quoted By:
Rolled 66, 72 - 10 = 128 (2d100 - 10)
>Target the reinforcements. You need to delay them as much as you can, before they manage to cut you off or catch up with Boxer.
You need to target those reinforcements. Having boxer retreat back two you and beating his pursuers back won’t mean much if you all come under assault from two fresh companies of droids. Those MTTs are tricky, they’re mobile, well armoured, and the droids inside, if they deploy, are worth half a company of troops. You’re dug in, but you want to avoid any further casualties today if it can be helped. You turn to Joyce and Loge, unreadable behind their helmets if it weren’t for the drop in their shoulders. With the collapse in command, you suppose court-martials won’t be carried out for a while, if they’re ever going to return. Or maybe at the end of this, if there is one. Still, you’re responsible for them right now, and the foreseeable future, so you can’t let them despair or become combat ineffective.
>Accidents happen in war. It’s tough when it happens, I know. And I bear some responsibility myself. But we need to focus on the battle. Now, can I trust you to take command of your companies and ensure this doesn’t happen again?
Joyce looks at the ground a moment, then takes a breath.
“Yes sir. We will.”
Loge nods in agreement. You know they will. They’re clones. They’re your men. They won’t let you down. And you won’t let them down either.
>Then let’s hit them with everything we’ve got. Redirect fire to those reinforcements. We’ll wipe them out then destroy those clankers on Boxer’s tail. Get ready!
“Yes sir!”
They each begin barking orders to their men, while you turn to Major Beck.
>Patch me through to Commander Yegor.”
He does so immediately, and soon you hear Yegor’s voice in your helmet.
“Sulla. What can I do for you?”
>A little favour, if you can. How’s your situation?
“Good, no sign of the enemy. My men are a little bored if anything. No action.”
>Excellent. I’d like to request a fire mission on grid coordinates I’ll be sending you, we’ve got a couple companies of clankers here and I need help dealing with them.
“Of course. Send them through and my men will take care of it. They need the practice.”
>Copy that. Sending them now. Many thanks.
You send the coordinates in to Yegor. It’ll be rough, since they’re distant and you don’t have any forward observers, but with your own artillery it should knock out those enemy reinforcements for good. You turn to your own men.
>Open fire!
They signal, and immediately your artillery is thundering once again, booming throughout the valley. Now to see the effects…
<span class="mu-s">Roll 2d100 for effectiveness. -10 from shinies. Bo3.</span>
DC 50/70
Rolling for Yegor.