>>6051144The New World’s Festival! A stunning celebration of the vastness of the empire the League has created, bringing together food and art and culture from across the stars. Boobokolipos glider exhibitions, Tengmalmos river races, Ellinikon technology expos and Cypokean ocean marathons all kick off. Mesaria silks, Lampyrisma jewelry, Chroma painting, even a bit of Sidero metalwork are all on display at locations across the empire. At the height of the festival the latest footage of the scouts is displayed, revealing a large jungle world, overgrown with life, bristling with yellow egg like stones that can apparently accelerate the growth of plants. The festival is a stunning testament to the vast and varied culture and luxury that the League has brought the Wolarian people, and in the days and weeks following a surge of pioneers sets out across the empire, seeking to claim their own world and build their own legacy to add to the League of Aetha.
>>6056279It is said that those who wear a mask long enough will find it fused to their face, unable to be removed, their body slowly. Perhaps this is what drives the Tellurians, who have told the lie of their ancient precursor status so often that perhaps even they believe it. Even now the Crucible, a massive facility dedicated to arcane material science is beginning to look distinctly like a vast and mysterious complex dedicated to science beyond mortal imagining.
Chasing the dream hinted at by the ultra science sparks within the Dark Entity’s fragments, the Tellurian Concord has taken those first steps toward recreating them, weaving Aduata and Adamant together in one half of the facility and Magicite and Grailstone in another half. The results are two new super materials, True Mercury and Orichalcum. The first is a living metal that responds to mental magic, sometimes malleable, sometimes as hard as stone, able to grow and heal and transform like a living thing. The second is an iridescent clear crystal that seems to have completely defied gravity, indeed as more of the material is gathered together it quickly becomes apparent that it dispels gravity in a wide range around it, growing as more of the material is gathered together.