>>5324126This is the clearest that this guy’s been all night, and, even with the sprites hot on your tail, you want answers.
The word <span class="mu-i">g…rdian,</span> though, is something you don’t have to spend guessing about, and you feel confident when you shout into the open air, “Did you mean ‘guardian?’”
Nigh-instantly, you feel an affirmation in your mind.
“Then what are these things you sent after me?” You inquire as you clamber atop a ridiculously-sized LED. “Are they guardians too?”
Though, what is it they’re guarding? Is it the mutant who made this electric-themed dreamworld? Their psyche? Or is it none of those things at all?
<span class="mu-i">“F…r…agments...o … f… me…mor…ies…”</span> The words are slow and stilted.
“What’s the point of all of this?” Your voice raises tersely as another squadron of space-bugs attempts a divebomb on your head. “Couldn’t you just show your face instead of hiding behind all this bullshit?!”
A sensation akin to shame permeates your chest, but, as quickly as it came, it disappears.
<span class="mu-i">“...mem…ories…”</span> The intruder repeats, emphasizing the word, and it’s at that moment that one of the bugs splits from the party to launch a colorful wave at you.