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Your name is Mamoru Kikuchi. You’re what this world despises the most and yet so many things glamourizes you. A good-for-nothing punk hiding as a sharply dressed man that some views as “the spirit of this country”. But you’re not having any of this. You’re a school dropout hailing from a miserable background of violent parents and lacking education and when you need to find some way to survive once you got kicked out of that shithole you used to call home, it’s the worst of the worst that welcomed you.
You are a lost hand, a “893”. There are many words used to describe the likes of you : a mafioso, a yakuza… but all of those ultimately means the same thing : you’re scum and your expected end is you rotting in prison or with a bullet between the eyes.
Six months month ago, things heated. The “boss” of your clan, the Yuzuguchi-gumi got gunned down in plain view in the middle of the day and confronted to this, the authorities couldn’t simply turn a blind eye: they started enforcing a crackdown against “businessmen” like you. But that hardly matters because right now, it’s the entire chessboard that caught fire. See, that old man that got killed ? It was not supposed to happen, as there was a truce between the three big clans. Some thinks that the Kunogawa-kai is behind the hit. The Kunogawa-gai says it’s those bastards at Sumikashi-kai. Hell, some even thinks that this is just infighting within the clan and that a civil war is brewing.
You don’t want to play your part in the war because you might be only 24 but you’re wise enough to know that biting more than you can chew is a first-class express ticket to a grave, so you decided to cut your ties with the clan and go freelancer while you still could. And yet, one day, higher-ups of the Yuzuguchi-gumi personally met you. They said that they would give you the most important job of all : protecting the only daughter of old man Rinnosuke Ryuuguu and sole heir of his testament Rin.
You’re far more used to be a debt collector or to be sent to “fix” a problem, usually by beating the crap out of someone and sometimes by permanently disposing the “vermint”. You actually made a name for yourself for your professional attitude in your hits. You get the job done, reliably. Playing babysitter wasn’t something you would consider but the ludicrous pay swayed in.