>>5348712>Send in the Legion Masters to challenge the dangerous foe>OTHER: Send in the Steel Wardens for battle-data too (Wardens to challenge the Boss&Meganobz? Legion Masters to challenge the Nobz?)My two-bits:
#1 You never go directly for the King in Regicide. Talos simply makes it a habit not to engage in combat if he can avoid it.
#2 A major exercise of this war is *battle-data of Acillians and Astartes*. This is the perfect opportunity for that. We will have other opportunities for Knights with the Mitu.
#3 We should get a full taste of what exactly this simmering 'anger' it is that our Terran sons are suppressing. Seeing it here, now, unleashed against the Warboss is as good a time as any
#4 This could be an opportunity to make some of our legions first Dreadnoughts
I know you guys wanna give Alexander the glory or show off Talos, but eh, we have this battle in tow and risking ourselves is a bit uncharacteristic. Frederic gained his glory in an hour of great need. There will be many more opportunities for him. Plus we should see about how well our Astartes/Acillians are getting along in the higher ranks too. After this war we can consider merging (or not merging) the genecodes at last.
Stat wise I dunno how Legion Praetors in Cataphractii Armor (if we have any) stack up to Nobz and Warbosses, but hopefully they can give a good showing. Testing and upgrading the effectiveness of our Wardens is also of import.
And besides, even if they don't do so well:
We need a reason to invent/initiate Dreadnoughts. Especially if we are inspired by how much they arm those huge Meganobz.