Quoted By:
''Yes, yes. They already know that.'' Ama quickly interjected. ''Unfortunately, I have nothing concrete to back up this gut feeling of mine. Nobody has seen any Revenants during Daiyu's reign; I've only interacted with two in the distant past. One was like the legends, a spirit of vengeance. The other, though... was a young mother. Her unjust death during an epidemic made her rise again to care for her two young boys. She endured for years, only passing after her sons became men capable of handling themselves.'' Ama paused, arms crossed, blue gaze intensely focused on your dark-scaled lizard-knight. ''That example makes me believe you'd be able to endure this transition and keep your identity, Hao. The only prediction I can make...'' Another pause for Teruko's dutiful translation. ''...<span class="mu-r"> Ignoring your ambitions could kill you.</span> You should fixate on some emotional objectives for yourself.''
Despite looking so short and young, this little witch still possessed a fair amount of decorum. The family doctors exchanged glances and nodded, announcing that Ama had fully explained three days of deliberation. Even Teruko's (who needed quite a few refreshments for her voice) usual imposing demeanors had chilled into frustrated indecision.
''We should respect Hao's wish,'' Sieglinde announced.
''But also voice our opinion because her health affects us all.'' Elina countered. ''I think reinforcing our link is better long term; we'll be walking a familiar path.''
''I concur.'' Teruko quickly voiced her opinion, unable to conceal her love and desperation for Hao. Ambrus was right; his wife indeed adopted Hao. ''Do not be forgetting that I am tied with a fairy, yes? Once mine health settles, I'm sure the nature of a fay could be a useful tool to reinforce your collective stability.''
A sudden wave of alarm from Klesiah still your tongue. ''What do you think, Hao?'' Your beloved blueberry ask your second knight. ''Do you need a little more time?''
''No...No more indecision, mine pain, Hao's pain is killing Arawn.'' Her good heart, always so honest and robust, was shrouded by poignant, agonizing guilt. ''There's no way to undo our joining?''
''Absolutely not!'' The white lizard protest was the only loud protest. ''You <span class="mu-s">know</span> what that mean!''
''Hao...'' Sieglinde walked near the gloomy girl. ''...if you cannot choose, then we'll impose our will, and you shall abide.'' Despite her intensity, there was a painful twist in her heart. ''<span class="mu-s">You will obey.</span>''
A spark of defiance lit up inside Hao's guts, and despite her constant radiating pain, she glared at the princess of all demons with renewed spirit.