>>6148635As you approach Nadia’s lab, you find several additional bodies strewn about. More of them belong to the Riahi than they do the mages of Ithaca. Were those assassins down there just to guard the Magic Seal? Or were they actually hiding from the construct until their leader could finish extracting whatever she needed from Alvin? The grisly work you see before you is a bit much, even for you. Sure, you were more than capable of the level of carnage required to disembowel a man. But you’d never gone on a rampage anywhere close to this level. Nadia said this creature could do anything you could. But what if there were things you didn’t know you could actually do?
“The lab is up ahead.” Nadia announces.
You reach a large room, littered with the corpses of the Riahi. Tables have been upturned, scattering glass and papers everywhere. The floor is wet and sticky with not just blood and bile, but some sort of foul-smelling fluid that appears to have leaked from what look to be giant glass containers that were lining the walls. Besides the corpses of the Riahi, you find other bodies that appear to have been dead for much longer. Some look decently preserved, while others are nothing but bone.
“What an eerie place.” Cuthbert says. “You people actually ‘work’ here?”
“W-what is that?” May asks fearfully, pointing a finger forward.
A lone figure stands there, having blended in with the ‘scenery’ so well you’d hardly noticed it. It was hunched over, covered with a cloak that was stained dark. You were unable to see a face within that hood, save for beady and hollow red eyes that seemed to gleam menacingly. Something was concealed within its cloak. You could not say exactly what, but you had a feeling you already knew it was an axe. Suddenly, the creature raises its head, and stares directly at you. It takes what must pass for a “breath”, a chill fog emerging from its mouth.
“Did you have to make it so scary-looking?” May asks Nadia.
>A): Challenge the creature alone>B): Fight it as a group>C): Write-in