>>5933399You look over at Buu. “MOGUERA’s still got a job to do, and we’re here and able to handle this situation fairly well for the time being. Buu, we’ve gotta be the ones to do it. We’re going into the worm-infested Party Mine. We can handle it. You ready, bud?”
“Buu ready! Rude, stinky worms not gonna get last laugh!” he declares as he puffs up his chest.
“All right! Let’s get going!” You pump your fist in the air and head on down towards the mine once more. As you do, though, you do think to check in with Trip for just a brief moment, mostly to let her know about what’s going down here and how it at least seems to be an issue that’s been lurking on Earth for a while, even if it might not exactly be from here. She appreciates the head’s up, and promises to look into it and share any insights she comes across. You will also wait for Krillin to come back to actually make any substantial decision, but you also know you need to seek these out sooner rather than later. He can sense where you are, and you can get out of there quick if things get out of hand.
And so you head down, down into the abandoned mine, once more with a little Ki ball illuminating the area around you. It takes a few minutes to get deep enough to sense anything, even with the pair of you moving quickly, though eventually you end up at a substantially warmer and more rancid area, the mines turning more cavernous, parts of it collapsed, but also… strangely dug through. You get to a place where the air is almost visibly thick from both the shimmering heat and rancid fumes only barely kept at bay with your mask, and where you can feel a vast many minuscule Ki signatures.