>>5365886That may very well be the case. Perhaps there are things not even TalOS knows about the depths of null and the mysteries of the C'tan. I admit much of this is based on putting lore pieces together (mostly the Pariah Nexus). I may have overstated when I say the Pariah Nexus will strengthen us, think more perhaps like the Death Guard and a poison gas field. Other Legions would find such toxins highly inconvenient, and perhaps even downright difficult, but the Death Guard are just used to it. We create a very difficult environment that we learn how to operate effectively in.
My supporting theory as to why those who rely on machine input will be more resilient to the effects is that when humans/space marines find it difficult to breathe, eat, or sleep and other bodily functions made difficult by the field, such things can be replaced mechanically. Such things already are. As for depressed emotions, techpriests strive to distance themselves from emotions for pure cold and logical thought, so having a field do that for them is something that would be seen as pious.
Maybe we are not going to be utterly immune like the Necrons who are totally machine, or our Automata. When we get Thallax and Kastellan and other bots up to large scale production, we have units able to fight virtually without any sort of disability in the thickest of pariah fields. More the so, if we manage to get larger populations of Nulls, they won't be afflicted at all and will not notice a thing.
And, if some glorious day we come up with a breakthrough and make Null Marines, we will truly have a force capable of operating in a null field at peak efficiency! We just have to figure out how it is that Nulls seemingly are capable of having the full spectra of emotion and ability despite being on the negative psychic scale.
In any case, TalOS going head over heels into the Null Arts like Magnus did with the Psychic, both kinda being deluded and perhaps missing a crucial point that neither of them can see, does feel pretty in line with 40k. One fell to Tzeentch, might the other come under the influence of a different sort of being?