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“Yeah. Everywhere else in the city it’s oil lamps, but here...torches.” You turn down the required street, counting street numbers, then stop. “There is no 210. It goes from 209 directly to 211.”
Muffin snorts and leads you down an alleyway. “It’s just around back.” The two of you pass into a secluded nook behind the buildings, tucked away from prying eyes. A battered door waits, a lit torch crackling next to it, despite the daylight. Your domain predictably hits hard resistance at the door. You almost knock, then settle for just grabbing the knob and pushing in.
The man at the desk goes from being relaxed with his feet up to pointing a crossbow at you in less than a second.
“I need-”
The crossbow fires.
<span class="mu-s"> Roll 1d100. DC 55 </span>
> “Ahem. I need your help.”
> Flip the table at him, then beat him with it.
> Vine snakes, lots of them. Might as well not hide it.
> Write in.