>>6121531For two long decades, you have guided your people as their king. The years have been difficult, riven with conflict and strife, but your capable hand has seen your people emerge stronger than ever before. A dozen of the outlying tribes have been brought under your control, added to your growing kingdom. The gods have been generous, granting you good health and many strong sons.
But just as the gods can give, so too can they take.
You have always been a faithful follower of the gods - The God of White Stone, who carved the first men from unyielding rock, The God of Beasts and Forests, who filled the first men with hot blood, and The God of Pale Fire, who placed a burning flame within the first men to give them life. Even now the gods whisper truths and guidance to their priests, who observe the ancient Accord.
A king shall be granted strength and a privilege life – but when the gods call, that king shall be given as sacrifice.
You've seen the fires burning in the hills, signs and omens that the time has come. Yet, you have doubts. Your people have grown strong under your rule, and when your people offer their prayers, they praise your name alongside the gods. The priestly caste swirls with whispers of discontent, and ill rumours have reached your ears.
A man can light fires, and read omens in the most innocent of things.
Already, some of your priests have announced that the time of sacrifice is nigh. With each passing day, more add their voices to the chorus. Soon, they will become a wave that will be impossible to resist. Yet, that time has not yet come – perhaps you have a chance to strike first, if only you have the strength.
>Whatever the priests may think, this may really be the will of the gods. You must go to sacrifice, as they demand>Though it pains you to leave your kingdom, now is the time to gather your family and go into exile>Your people still have need for a strong leader. A purge of the priestly caste will quell these rumours and secure your rule>Other