Quoted By:
"Then allow me to tell you how we Daughters of Irminsul received guests from all corners of the Nine Lands."
The voice with which you weave the tale is one well practiced in storytelling. One could easily mistake this voice to be vocal alone, but the body language that accompanies it is perhaps even <span class="mu-i">more</span> important than your tone. Begierde called it the Voice of a Thousand Stories when she taught this method of speaking to you and your peers. For every word you draw out and emphasize, a hundred little motions add layers of meaning and emphasis that sound alone fails to capture.
For example, the playful and flirtatious shrug with which you respond to the young lady behind the screen's stifled gagging sound - accompanied by a look of mild disgust from Marianna - is just as much a part of your performance as the bell-like laughter that answers their unspoken question.
"Not like <span class="mu-i">that</span>, I can assure you," you tell them. Both the unseen lady and her maid sigh in unison with one another, relief apparent on Marianna's face and in her lady's posture. "Though we sisters <span class="mu-i">did</span> offer such hospitality and comfort to Alfheim's visitors, such matters were left in the capable hands of the older and more experienced sisters. We fledglings were responsible for preparing and maintaining quarters for the guests, under supervision of one of the more junior sisters."
"That sounds like an awfully laborious task to put in the hands of children," the girl behind the curtain says. You suppose that with the technologies the humans have developed, it would be. "You're so petite, I could scarcely imagine you performing heavy labor now that you are fully grown, let alone when you must have been small. Then again..."
Ah. It does not take you much to realize the implication that she left hanging in the air.
You took last night's rigors better than most experienced human prostitutes would have, with none of the soreness and dopey fugue that they would have been left with. Mental and physical endurance were something the Daughters of Irminsul train all aspirants in from the moment they chose their path. They need to learn it, or else the Divine Beast will break them in mind, body, and spirit instead of implanting them with his Divine Gift.
Incidentally, though it happened almost a century ago now, the forty days and forty nights over which he took your virginity and engraved his Divine Gift upon your soul with his thick cock and potent seed remains the longest fucking session you've been a part of.
"Oh, we used the Orbs to assist us with the truly heavy work," you explain to her. This gets an arched eyebrow from Marianna, but nothing more than that. Drat, she won't be tricked so easily into asking a meaningless question in your game. "Our job was less in decorating and cleaning, and more the <span class="mu-i">arrangement</span>. Five of the Nine Lands have visitors who cannot survive in our lands without assistance. Fledgings were tasked with providing that assistance."