Quoted By:
Signals moving, Agents! We've got inbound. And *this time* they're the BAD kind of inbound!!! I'm trying to throw the elevators for a loop to slow them down but they kicked me out hard!
Agents, good job handling that snatch-team on the terrace. By those tattoos and markers, these are Hong-8 hardhitters. The shape of it is simple: the ones at the door were the distraction, and then these guys were meant to hit the place and carry out Dr. Espango, err, the client. Verdant Green. We disrupted that op by turning away the frontdoor few and these guys decided to execute half their plan despite the lack of backup and direct eyes. Well trained people, but their gear is pretty low-spec.
The Riot Foam is going to disintegrate slowly, so you should probably restrain them. We also need some place to store 8 criminal commandoes until this all blows over.
Agent Ink says "she think she's got it", but maybe you want to get it yourself?
The Client is putting in a request for expedited assistence and he sounds... eager and... a more energetic than I've heard him in a while. Some processing just finished. Devonshires tech support was eminently helpful.
Agent Graphite, Fold, Monarch, good job handing Mox. She's out cold. But I wouldn't count her out yet. She didn't get the cred she got for nothing. Now please please please please PLEASE get out of the hotel lobby, I CANNOT slow down the elevators any more than I'm already doing !!
This whole operation is going pearshaped fast. Keep calm people. Okay, okay, I think we can safely say this count as an emergency situation. Director might get us for this later, but let's step it up a little, okay?
>Condition Yellow
>Core System Overrides now active
>Voluntarily get +1 Alacrity on your turn by taking +1 Strain; this stacks. Actions cannot repeat, however (so no +9 alacrity --> shoot 3x, unfortunately).
>Safeties are still on.
We have *LEVEL TWO* equipment in the armory. Let me get you a list, you, uh, you may... you may need it...
>Agents to act!