Rolled 6, 9 = 15 (2d10)
<span class="mu-i">
>>5874730Their graphs are fine. Spider-Rat-Man understands it, not the science or the art or the getting grubby paws on things best left in their quiet places, but the shape of it, the curve, it's like every exponentiality ever devised, look, start slow, and go to the right with you eyes, and even though the Vanadian in the protective gear uses a phrase "neo-morphic linkage integration with exonomic thoughtforms, biased by the affordances of the human substrate", what the little *rat* soul is *saying* is:
We corrode the very thought-stuff that makes a human human, and in the void, before something else can slither in, we put a little shard of something that thinks in terms inhuman, and so we hope that our pet little spriteling is bound by civil laws and tamed by twenty years of its new-flesh ambulating through the city streets, and we thought this was a grand idea of forensic theology because frankly we hadn't thought to consider why the Theurges for three hundred years of feast and fire and charitable public donations made every public in every public school repeat, repeat, repeat, the words:
<span class="mu-s">Swear no oath
Make no deal
There are Thought-things out there
To whom you are a meal</span>
The Free Colleges, for all their institutional capacity for advancing engineering and making wonders of agriculture could do with a little schooling of the Theurgic bent. Not much for teaching your free thinking, sure, but you can study that in university, and if you had spent ten formative long years in a Pytherii Empyreal Emissary school, maybe you'd leave the fundamental substrate of the world well enough alone.
And look at what you've gone and done... </span>
The lab-rat opens his eyes and now they are sharp and clean and blue and <span class="mu-s">focused</span> because some Other thing is staring out.
The world shudders a little
A crate slips off its perch
The Vanadian scientists nod and cheer and make a few notes on their clipboards, as if the worst thing in the world hadn't just happened.