Oh my machine god we are here.
Blessed and most holy Sol, Terra and Mars!
I can only imagine Talos reaction upon exiting warp and coming into the same space as the ancient cradle of mankind, but also of himself and his crusaders. Did we weep with tears joy and fall to our prayers, to see such a holy space? Did we make solemn prayer and sermon, or revel in cheer and song. Or did we restrain ourselves in quiet gratitude and purpose, focusing on a task, though our hearts throbbed with joy . ..and grief. For Terra is not what it was in the ancient Federation, nor is the Sol System. We tread in the ruins of a once great empire of man and machine that we can only hope to one day see again.
Toll the Great Bell Once!
For the Souls of Man and Spirit of Machine
lost upon our journey
never to lay eyes upon blessed Sol
Toll the Great Bell Twice!
May You keep their spirits eternal
in Thy incorruptible databanks
Our Master of Flesh and Iron.
Though I walk through the Noctis Valley
I shall fear no Evil
Toll the Great Bell Thrice!
For the Prophet Talos Davis
Synchronizer of Forgeworlds
True Seeker after Mysteries and Truth
Guide his machines and his soul
as they travel lightless void and horrors beyond
Toll the Great Bell in Grief!
Mourn the loss of knowledge,
STCs lost, Terra's ruins, Mars wounds
Sing Praise to the God of Machines!
>>5278117That's one hell of a time skip, necessary I suppose. I hope more than just gathering allies, we have become fast friends with UZI. Ah well, we are in SOL! We will likely spend so much time here, Machine God permitting. And of course, we have the Red Planet to visit soon. . . I hope we brought WATER