Quoted By:
>Art:Herb Kawainui Kāne
>Alt text: Hina, Hawaiian Moon goddess floating in front of a solar eclipse holding kapa tools
Young Agana: You’re holding too tight.
You wince as your meta sister brings the numbing ‘awa to your lips.
Young Agana: It's too stressful for someone your age. Papa Kane is totally lolo.
“No! I need to be brave like you. You spend all day with Chief Anuhea learning about ships and big words and I just sit here like Makky! I’m not a baby."
Your metasister sighs and lifts your hands from the back.
Young Agana: When you hold on to something too tight, it only causes pain. Relax your grip, let the oars work *with* you.
She looks into your eyes.
Young Agana: And you’ll be a great captain.
Memories flood as you cover Agana with her kapa moe. The world outside may be harsh and cold, but that’s all the more reason to be warm.
Aggy must have a will of stone to even be standing right now, let alone giving a speech from the roof of the Hall of Peace.
Norodom: I still say it was a mistake to let them this close if they attack...
“Is your faith in the Axeholer so small? And here I thought you trusted her judgment?”
She winces. It seems she doesn't like being the one snarked and grinned at for once.
Agana: You don’t need to worry, Norodom. I finish here and you can continue your campaign when I’m done. Or now if you prefer.
She gives a smile back at you while her alleged successor isn't looking.
Throngs pour in. Kaoru, Kasi, Gamboa, and the countless people who call this city home. By choice or by law. The sand itself seems to stop midair before the Axeholder makes what would be her final declaration.