>>5735680"We'll just observe them stealthily, find out what they're up to. Then it's up to Goblinton citizens to deal with them." Well yeah, hopefully they're not connected to this Singularity cult nonsense. Even if they are - well, how are you going to take them down? Best leave it to locals.
Grandpa Gobson smiles at you. "Good, good! Now that's some proper goblin thinking. Now, after you finish your snacks, let's get going! I know a shortcut."
Grandma Ko nods, and opens a hatch you've never seen before. "Stay safe out there, Rosa and Craig. You're both my precious grandkids. I know you didn't quite inherit my strength, but keep your wits about you, still."
"I will. Thanks, Grandma." Wow, Grandma must be quite concerned, to be talking that much. You finish your snack and enter the hatch.
Soon enough, after a bit of tunnels, you exit somewhere close to the old Warden Outpost. The cubicles have grown thick around this place, but still leaves a clearing from which you spy three of the strange men loitering about.
"So yeah, looks like there's three of them. Maybe more?" Grandpa mused.
Valencio speaks up, softly so the strange men can't hear. "So, what's the plan? I know we're sneaking and observing, but details would be nice."
True, from this distance you can't hear them talking - even though you won't understand their language, anyways. And it seems like two of them got a weird kind of rifle each - what's that curved thing on front supposed to do?
>CHOOSE ONE>□ Sneak closer all together>□ Just stay here and observe from a distance>□ Split up, some stay and observe, while some sneak closer>□ Go around, find a blind spot in their patrols and get in the outpost>□ Have Craig magic up an invisibility spell, or something that helps with stealth>□ Have Nemo shapeshift into one of them and approach from a blind angle>□ Have Valencio use his sense ability to eavesdrop their speech and see if there are more in the outpost>□ Find a ceiling entrance and observe them from the ceiling instead>□ Other (fill in)