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+I will present another.+ TalOS declared as he finished his thoughts, +I wish to bring my right hand of the Crusade to the Forefront, Dux Dominus H3VST.+
The room looked towards TalOS with a sense of confusion but it was ADM1N who had enough will to voice it, +You are willing to release your right hand into the gauntlet of Mars?+
+The Dux Dominus has been a trusted person during my entire crusade. He has helped me operate a series of exploits ranging from our escape from the Mitu to the burning of their worlds. I feel his staunch conservationism will strike a chord with the most vocal groups of Mars and give us a much needed foothold on the planet.+ TalOS told them as he gave a firm nod, +If Mars does anything against us, he will be the first to realize what is happening as well.+
TalOS looked around the table to see what kind of reactions he garnered from that speech. As always the Fabricator General did not put forward any emotion thanks to his advance age while the others looked surprised.
For K00LT she looked surprised and even slightly hurt. TalOS was sure this would not break their relationship but it might end up being a mark against their cooperative record. Though did TalOS really need their relationship now that they were officially at war. With the state of war she could not take away resources from an Arch Dominus without a Political upheaval.
Lets not forget that the Blackstone Fortress is under TalOS’s title as Arch Dominus.
As for ADM1N the Tech Priest seemed to be studying TalOS more and more. He was likely trying to figure out why TalOS would nominate such a person. After all he was TalOS’s right hand man that had served him well. Though TalOS could not help but be curious about why the Arch Magos was putting so much thought into it.
+Dux Dominus H3VST has had a long running as a Dominus from my understanding.+ Declared the Tech Priest as he started pulling records from the Noosphere, +Your claims are accurate and does prove his ability on the battlefield. He is a capable person but I cannot affirm if he is the best for negotiations.+
TalOS nodded as he heard those words, +I believe we need someone who will stand for Lucius, not to try and change the tides of Mars. In time we will force Mars to the table, to mend the treatment they have given both us and every other Forge World.+
The Arch Magos of the Legio Titanicus thought to himself for several more seconds after that. TalOS had to admit he was surprised at the amount of thought the Arch Magos was going to place into his suggestion.