>>5206008Once Henzler has departed, you, your fellow Infiltrators, and the mad mage’s chimeric creations carry on. You feel almost a reverence as you approach the mouth of the dark cavern which practically birthed you into the surface world—or, well, Ismena Rosgard, at least.
“It will be good to return, to be among civilized beings again,” Roth announces with genuine, audible pleasure and relief—the only time you think you have heard such a tone in his voice, even INCLUDING after an orgasm. “To shed this horrible, ugly mask and walk about as myself, SPEAK as myself!”
“Hm,” Alhazred vocalized, less committed to this emotional catharsis.
“Smmmraall,” the Dragonborn notes, as you step inside. “Haauw gunn get mee inn?”
“Never fear, Great One,” you reassure him. “It is deceptively deep in its distance downwards, if you but know the way, and there are great caverns below, with entry-points for even a magnificent one such as your noble self.”
“Hurrr,” he exhales, more open to speak and bolder in his (still lopsided) carriage with Henzler gone. “Gudd.”
You look down into the Reptilian-smoothed walls of the deep darkness, unbothered by the lack of light for the first time since you ever began to travel the subterranean realm of your mother’s great Master Race. You reflect on how much more comfortable it feels, descending into a realm which opens up to welcome you, rather than manoeuvring in feeble blindness for the weakness of your father’s genes—as Alhazred, now, must do. You see Roth remove his amulet and reveal his true self, red and scaley, handsome and draconic and almost peaceful (for him). This must be what it feels like to truly belong in this world, you think.
You smile broadly, imagining how much BETTER it will feel like when you are given the champion’s celebration which you have earned in your pious and pitiless performance of your dark duties.
And so, you return once more to the bosom of the world—a world which will soon once more belong to the Reptilians.
This thread is archived at https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2022/5174490/! Thanks for playing, and please feel free to provide feedback, and to discuss ideas for what you would like to see and do in the FINAL chapter: Volume 13. I'll do another post either tomorrow or Saturday, starting a new thread.