Rolled 7 + 5 (1d10 + 5)
>>5855288 |
>>5854941>Entering the Extreme Tag Team Championship with Riptide. Rolling 1d10+5 (Hard)>They are... Chain & Saw - The ShreddersWithout words, Napps stands at the podium, celebratory beer in one hand, a suitcase of cash in the other, and both arms raised to the heavens. Only as the cheers start does he roar, adrenaline piped through his veins in a shout of victory - and the crowd roars with him.
Later that night, rubber screeches into the parked lot of the Base, and Napps bursts through to the common room - sending a nervous Rainfall squeaking and catching the attention of a present Riptide. He holds the flyer for the Wrestling Extreme up high.
"I am interested in wrestling! Who wants to join!?"
>Gain $50k - New Cash total: $174,253.25>Gain permanent +1 Hard (Max 5)